If you are planning to study Economics at a top university, your Economics degree job prospects may be quite different from what you have imagined. Jobs that actually make use of Economics theory is quite limited compared to jobs available in Accounting or Finance. Hence, studying it is unlikely to […]
Monthly Archives: August 2018
3 posts
Applying to study a UK LLB Law degree but not sure how to approach your UCAS Law personal statement? On this page, you can find a proven example that received an interview offer from Cambridge BA Law (LLB). The applicant achieved IB grades of 43/45 during the time of his […]
Applying to study a UK BSc. Economics degree but not sure how to approach your UCAS Economics personal statement? On this page, you can find a proven example that received offers from: It was not used in any oxbridge applications, and the applicant had predicted GCE A-Level grades of A*A*AA […]